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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Linux Principles

  • Everything is a file (including hardware)

    - in linux everything is a file including the hardware. There are three types of files

    text file

    Binary file

    Device file - hardware representatives

  • Small, single-purpose programs

    - small is beautifull concept

  • Ability to chain programs together to perform complex tasks

    - in other word.. its called piping. "|"


    cat /etc/passwd | cut -f1 -d :

    this will read the file /etc/passwd and the content is cut with the delemeter ":" and the 1st part is shown

  • Avoid captive user interfaces

    - the basic work in linux is done in command. The GUI is the graphical representative of the command line execution.

  • Configuration data stored in text

    - all configurations are stored in plain text files


    cat /etc/resolve.conf

    this will show the DNS database stored in linux. The name list is stored in plain text in the file /etc/resolve.conf


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