- Create the .junk folder in the /etc/skel directory.
The content in this directory is copied in to the user home directory when the new user is created. This technique can be used to create the .junk directory in the users home directory.
login as the root
$ su - root
password :
create the .junk directory
# mkdir /etc/skel/.junk - The envioromental variabble we create is WASTEBIN.
The value of the variable will be $HOME/.junk - this enables the user to call the recycle bin directory from the command line.
edit the file .bash_profile which is executed when the user logs in
# vi /etc/skel/.bash_profile
in that file add at the bottom
export WASTEBIN=$HOME/.junk - The command that we create is "del" this is alias to "rm" command.
edit the .bashrc file
# vi /etc/skel/.bashrc
and append this text to that file to make an alias. add this to the file bottom
alias rm=del - design the "del" command
In shell(bash) $1, $2, $3... $9 are the nine bash commanline arguments. So we use this predefine variables to pass the values to the "del" command.
we can also use $* variable, which represent all those 9 variables at once. so the del command would be in the following format
create the file#
# vi usr/local/bin/del
then add
mv $* $WASTEBIN - change the execution permission to the del command
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/del
Monday, May 25, 2009
Create a recycle bin for linux console
Concept : when a user deletes a file that file is moved in to the folder $HOME/.junk
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